Help us build a community of people becoming people of love.

Give via Zelle

The easiest way to give is by scheduling a one-time or recurring donation via Zelle. To schedule a payment, visit your bank’s online platform and send your donation to

Give via Our Online Platform

You can also schedule an online payment below.

How will your giving be used?

As stewards of the mission and resources God has given us, we value transparency. As we begin the work God has laid before us, we will be raising funds for the following categories.

  • These expenses include staff salaries and benefits.

  • This includes costs for weekend gathering space, meeting rooms, office rental and storage space.

  • Ministry expenses include all ministry resources and programming costs.

  • This includes bookkeeping, human  resources, insurance,  marketing and advertising,  office supplies, payroll  processing, printing,  technology costs, and all  other internal expenses.

  • This part of our budget supports community outreach and  service, local partnerships,  benevolence, global  mission partnerships, etc.

  • This includes startup costs such as: AVL equipment, children's  ministry equipment,  trailers and storage  cabinets, pipe/drape,  internal and external  signage, web and social  media development,  outreach events, etc.on